A full shot of the finalized lampshade and themed body.

These images demonstrate one of my favorite features of the lamp: the appearance changes when it is turned on or off.

These images show the early versions of the pieces. Notice these are not "flared" like the finalized version.

A full shot of the finalized lampshade and themed body.
Illini Lamp
Company: Personal Project (2019)
Software: AutoDesk Inventor
As a University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign alumnus, my mother gifted me an illini lamp. Over the years (and several moves), the lampshade was crushed. Not wanting to part with it, I came up with a way to salvage it (and make improvements).
After tearing off the fabric shade, I found the metal components were in fine condition and could provide some solid structure. After taking basic measurements, I designed pieces that would clip on and interlock in an interesting way. I printed them in Illini orange and blue.
I went through the usual iterative design process and printed several prototypes to check for fit. I happily display it on my workbench and it is a wonderful conversation piece.
Go Illni!