A floor plan of one of the house models

BIM Modeling & Renders
Company: Personal Project (2016)
Software: ArchiCAD
While looking for work in Australia, I observed the job market and noticed many opportunities required proficiency in software I was not familiar with. A popular package that I had not been exposed to in North America was ArchiCAD. To correct this, I obtained a license and downloaded a copy. Using online resources and a healthy amount of trial and error, I familiarized myself with this new drafting program.
I enjoy learning new software, and my previous experience with various other programs really helped me pick it up quickly. ArchiCAD is an architectural BIM software, and familiarizing myself with it was a good way to get to know the tools of BIM. I appreciated the lighting and visualization capabilities it offered.
I have not had reason to use this software since leaving Australia, but it is always worthwhile to learn new software and be exposed to new interfaces to expand my knowledge base. It is always a benefit to add another tool to my repertoire and increase my confidence in my ability to learn new programs.